Sunday, April 25, 2010

Exercise Class

I really wanted to give the Zumba class a try yesterday even though Brice wasn't sure about me doing so, he was right. I ran out of energy so fast I left way to soon. I'm really struggling with the fact that I was picked for this great program and I can't do what we've been asked to do for our health. I'm down to just the treadmill now but at least I can still do that. I still hurt afterwards, but whats new for me these days. My doc appointment is May 6th and I'm really hoping to get some answers. Brice and I usually go camping once each month during the summer months but no hiking at all this year, just flat places to walk.

I watch everyone else and am so happy to see everyone doing so good. I notice shrinking bodies and you all have tons to be proud of. I do enjoy the nutrition classes and all we learn there from Mindy and each other, and the recipes that are shared are great.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I see you keep trying inspite of all of your health challenges. You are such a trouper. I am so proud of you. I hope you will soon know what is going on and that the doctors can help you with whatever it is. :-) Hope you grandbaby is doing well. She's a bright spot!
