Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life Continues

I still am careful what I eat and will stay that way. I'm so greatful for the challenge to help me see what I needed to change in my life and will stick with the eating part. I'll still walk and hopefully one day be able to get back to the gym.

It was so great seeing everyone at the banquet. I'm so happy for the top 3 winners, they did great and is sure showed. But we are all winners also. I'm excited for the reunion. It has been great making sure awesome friends and I hope we keep in touch, for the friendship and the support.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First, but not the last 5K

I was not sure I would make the race as yesterday was the worst day yet. I ended back up at another doc but he gave me 2 different meds and I actually felt great this morning. Poor Brice has a really bad painful back right now so I was going faster than him. It felt so good to be out and walking, I had to slow down for Brice a couple of times. I am hoping this medicine helps out all the time so I can get back to the gym even though the 100 day challenge will be over basically I'm starting over for me.
It was so exciting to cross the finish line and I am determined to do other races. I'll always walk, but I use to power walk and I hope to get back to that.
I'll see everyone at the weigh in early Monday morning, actually I'll be at work at 5 am so I'll have to leave for a bit. It was great to see most of us at the race and many were missed.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I no longer go to the gym. I hurt alot now and so I just walk. No news on any of my tests and I think this is going to be a while before anything is found out. I will really miss visiting with everyone at the gym. I will get there one day! I will see everyone at the 5K and of course at Kathy and Eric's.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Last Class

Today was great, it's going to be sad to not have the nutrition class to go to. We have learned so much and I enjoy the recipes everyone shares, even on the blog.

After 30 minutes on the treadmill Wednesday, I hurt so bad all night Thursday, that I couldn't sleep much, from head to toe. So I guess I'll just walk now till we get this figured out.

I have lost weight though, through watching what I eat but I still want to tone and get strengh. Class was hard today listening to everyone talk about how they are doing with the exercising and images of themselves. I started this to exercise and came to a total stop. Brice told me to look at it that I went full blast when we started and really got going, I could do 60 minutes of cardio and 30 strength so at least I got started. When we finally are able to figure out what's going on with me, and hopefully get on meds that will help, I'm heading back to the gym to get right back on track. I have that to look forward to. This has been great to teach me so much even though I have to put it on hold for a bit. My goal for myself is to complete the 5K then I will have won for myself.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Running out of time

WOW! Where had the time gone. With only one more week of our classes with Mindy, our time together is almost done. I look forward to our classes each Friday. Mindy has done a great job teaching us and meeting with friends each week to has really been great. Thanks Mindy for having chef Mike Austin with us yesterday. Not only was he so funny, but he taught us some great stuff. And the food was so good. I'm anxious to cook it for my family. I also like the idea of cooking large amounts of food and freezing meals. With my busy schedule, my poor family doesn't get the best meals sometimes and this would be great.
I haven't been exercising, I don't have the strength and my muscles around my lungs get tight. I had to leave work Thursday morning as I was so weak. I got into my family doc who said it is not my lungs, but the muscles around them. I got into a neurologist Friday and he is checking for Myasthenia Gravis. Lots of blood drawn and a cat scan of my chest and medicine will hopefully help. I'll find out the blood tests and cat scan results next Thursday. I just want to be able to have a normal day again. This has gone really fast and got really scary Thursday that I felt like I would end up in the hospital. Sitting on my couch all day long is not my idea of taking personal time from work.
Even though I have not been able to exercise, I am still tracking and watching what I eat. I actually lost some weight just doing that. I will miss the tracking booklet, it is really great to have a visual of what I eat as a reminder. I'll just carry around a small notebook and continue tracking. I am determined to get back to exercising and hopefully with the medicine I can. Have to wait to see the doc and get the results so I can see what I can do. No matter what, this program has been great to open up so much for my health, to eat better and learn about exercising so when I'm able, I'll continue. And we'll see each other at the gym too.