Friday, March 26, 2010

Upsetting Day

I had to stop exercising today as I got so weak I couldn't do any more. The more I exercise the weaker I am getting which is really upsetting. I love this exercising and how it has made me feel. I'm taking Saturday off of every thing, Brice made me promise. Hopefully Monday will be a better day.


  1. Sorry to hear your news, Lisa. You take care of yourself! I wonder if you are eating enough food. You are looking really good when you exercise. I hope things improve for you.

  2. I'm sorry!! Please know I am sending positive vibes your way and hoping you feel better soon!!!

  3. Sorry to hear...get better soon! I know exactly how you feel. Get some rest, and take it easy, next thing you know...your 50 minutes on a 7.0 incline at 5.4 mph. Zoom!
