Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I just finished 45 minutes of exercise, I feel great. I have noticed, because of my weakness, I have to eat right before I eat and drink water. If I don't, I can't exercise but for maybe 15 minutes. My husband has to not eat at all if he exercises. We make a great pair.

I have a total of 98 aerobic minutes today with 10279 steps. I wear a pedometer almost every day and I really recommend everyone wearing one. It is really encouraging when you can actually see all your steps. I started only getting around 3000 aerobic steps a day, and now have challenged myself for over 9000. I don't always get it, and that's ok. We have a fitness program at work and keep track of our steps and last year I got over a million steps. I'm aiming for alot more this year.

Three more days before we meet our trainers and I'm excited!


  1. Way to keep moving!! Thanks for the pedometer idea. I think that will help me walk a lot more. Enjoy your meeting with your trainer...it is AWESOME having someone to show you what to do!!

  2. You inspire me with all the exercise you manage to get in and the health problems that you successfully deal with. Thanks for the inspiration. Good luck as we go forward.
