Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feeling Quilty

Ok, so I didn't get any exercise in today. We were going to go at 8 am this morning but I hurt after the workout yesterday and knew it would make me worse if I did. I have had for most my life, a condition that no one has ever been able to diagnose, and after my stents, it has gotten worse. If I do strenuous activities one day, I hurt bad the next day and have to be careful what I do or I'll get worse as the day goes on. I'm determined to not let this hinder my exerciseing. I'll just have to wait much later in the day. So, today was the ballet with my aunt, one of the last two I'll ever be able to go to as her health is deteriorating (Need a spell check :) We got back way to late so it's going to be a day without exercising, and I'm feeling quilty. Not only that, we ate out for dinner and I had a few bites of potato salad and 1/4 of a most delicious fattening cornbread. So that doesn't help the quilt. I have such a sweet tooth and am not sure how to overcome it. If any one has any suggestions, I would welcome them.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa...
    be gentle with yourself...this is a new thing for all of us & we need to be sure to be gentle! (while working hard)
    get you some gum, lots & lots of it, carry it with you & keep chewing....
    I just bought a big package at costco!! If you don't have a membership at either Sams or Costco, let me know, I would be HAPPY to get you some!! (I am serious)!!
    Anyhow, you are doing something to change & just get out & do some type of movement, it is better than none at all!! :)
    this will sound just like a mother/teacher: reward yourself for working out more each week, let yourself have a little something for giving it a good workout!! Just choose smart!!
    You CAN & WILL do it!!!
